A Push For Moderation in Our DWI Laws? Food For Thought From Mississippi
A very interesting, well-written editorial from Mississippi highlights our national over-zealousness regarding DWI enforcement As the author states, "Driving While Intoxicated has become Driving Under the Influence" as a result of the intense lobbying of MADD, and the financial incentive police agencies have to make DWI arrests
The Mississippi highway PATROL has kicked off its annual campaign against...
What to Expect from a Texas DUI or DWI Case – A Brief Overview
If you are arrested for DWI or DUI in Houston or anywhere in Texas, you may be unsure of what to expect This is common Criminal defense lawyers know that more than for other offenses, people charged with DUI or DWI are new to the criminal justice system
Criminal cases, including DWI or DUI cases, typically end in one of three ways: dismissal, trial, or by some sort of plea agreement with the State Many...
The Walk and Turn Test in DWI and DUI Investigations
If you are stopped and investigated for DWI or DUI in Houston or anywhere in Texas, most law enforcement officers will attempt to administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) as a part of their investigation Criminal defense attorneys with experience in DUI or DWI cases know that these tests consist of the horizontal gaze nystagmus test ("HGN"), the one-leg stand, and the walk-and-turn Although police...
Attacking Drug Possession Cases
Have you been accused of drug possession or drug delivery You are not alone There are over 100,000 drug arrests every year in Texas, with many arrests occurring in Houston
The penalties for drug possession or drug delivery can range from minor to severe Cases may be filed in state or federal court But regardless of the type of case, size of case or where it is filed, there are several legal principles that...
What should you do if you are investigated for DWI in Texas?
As Houston criminal defense attorneys with extensive experience in DWI or DUI cases, many people ask us what is the best way to stay out of trouble if you find yourself the target of a DWI or DUI investigation in Texas Of course, the smartest approach is to not drink and drive at all Choose a designated driver Get a cab Walk
Of course, it is not illegal to drink and drive Any criminal defense lawyer with...
Understanding the “Phases” of a DWI or DUI Investigation – The Police’s Perspective
If you were arrested for DWI or DUI in Houston or anywhere in Texas, an experienced criminal defense attorney should work to challenge each phase of the police's investigation In DWI and DUI investigations, police officers follow guidelines set out by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration ("NHTSA") These guidelines cover DWI detection and the administration of Standardized Field Sobriety...
Texas “Extreme” DWI Law Now in Effect
Criminal defense lawyers in Houston and all over Texas have been bracing for the new "Extreme" DWI law, which took effect last Thursday That law doubles the penalties for first-time DWI offenders who have a blood alcohol concentration of 015 or higher
Up until now, the maximum penalty for most first time DWIs was 180 days in jail, a $2000 fine, or both Now, drivers charged with Extreme DWI will face up...
Choosing to Refuse on a “No Refusal” Weekend
As with most major holiday weekends (and more and more non-holiday weekends), Labor Day Weekend will be a "No-Refusal" weekend for DWI investigations in Houston, and in many other places in Texas Additionally, State and local law enforcement agencies will have additional patrols and checkpoints in Houston and all over Texas to beef up DWI enforcement
There seems to be some confusion as to what "No-Refusal"...
Driving “Cues” in DWI Investigations
Criminal defense lawyers in Houston and everywhere understand that DWI investigations usually begin before a person is pulled over Officers who have been certified to administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests ("SFSTs"), are trained to look for driving behaviors thought to be consistent with alcohol intoxication In its training materials, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ("NHTSA") claims...
Understanding the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test in Texas DWI Investigations
If you are pulled over for on suspicion of DWI, DUI or any alcohol related offense in Houston, Texas or anywhere, it is likely that you were subjected to sobriety tests known as Standardized Field Sobriety Tests ("SFSTs") A good criminal defense attorney will be familiar with the three SFSTs employed by law enforcement in DUI or DWI investigations - the horizontal gaze nystagmus test (known and "HGN" or...