Driving “Cues” in DWI Investigations

Grant M. Scheiner

Driving “Cues” in DWI Investigations

Criminal defense lawyers in Houston and everywhere understand that DWI investigations usually begin before a person is pulled over. Officers who have been certified to administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (“SFSTs”), are trained to look for driving behaviors thought to be consistent with alcohol intoxication. In its training materials, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) claims that “common effects of alcohol on the driver’s mental and physical faculties lead to predictable driving violations and vehicle operating characteristics.”

In DWI cases in Houston and anywhere officers are trained to follow the NHTSA manual, criminal defense lawyers know that officers look for driving “cues” of intoxication which can include weaving, drifting, acceleration or deceleration problems, driving the wrong way or slow responses (the NHTSA manual contains many more behaviors it claims are consistent with alcohol intoxication). It is interesting to note that speeding – which is perhaps the most common driving violation – is not considered a cue.

These alleged cues of intoxication are usually relied on by law enforcement and prosecutors to prove someone guilty of DWI or DUI. However, as with other aspects of DWI or DUI investigation, criminal defense attorneys know that relying on these cues is often misleading because certain people are uncoordinated and may exhibit some of these driving cues even when sober. Additionally, there is a danger that officers will expect that anyone exhibiting these driving cues will be guilty of DWI or DUI, and will conduct the remainder of that investigation under that assumption.

Understanding the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test in Texas DWI Investigations

Grant M. Scheiner

Understanding the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test in Texas DWI Investigations

If you are pulled over for on suspicion of DWI, DUI or any alcohol related offense in Houston, Texas or anywhere, it is likely that you were subjected to sobriety tests known as Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (“SFSTs”). A good criminal defense attorney will be familiar with the three SFSTs  employed by law enforcement in DUI or DWI investigations – the horizontal gaze nystagmus test (known and “HGN” or simply the “eye test”), the walk and turn, and the one-leg stand.

Criminal defense lawyers know that the first test officers conduct is the HGN test. Using an object like a pen, a small flashlight, or even just a finger, a police officer will ask a DWI or DUI suspect to follow the tip of the object with their eyes, and their eyes only. The officer will then look at each eye individually and look for an involuntary jerking of the eyes as they follow the object.

Law enforcement in Texas and elsewhere claim that in DWI or DUI investigations, the HGN test is the most reliable SFST. They claim that as a person’s blood alcohol increases, it is more likely that the involuntary jerking of the eye will be present.

Criminal defense lawyers who understand the science behind these tests and the way they are administered are highly skeptical of their reliability. Even if someone’s eyes are displaying involuntary jerking there may be other reasons for the jerking other than consumption of alcohol. Additionally, criminal defense attorneys know that a surprising number of officers in Texas do not follow the standardized guidelines for administering the HGN test in DUI or DWI investigations.

A good criminal defense attorney should be familiar with the guidelines and be prepared to challenge the HGN test in your DUI or DWI case.

False Accusations in Sexual Assault Cases

Grant M. Scheiner

False Accusations in Sexual Assault Cases

In Texas and elsewhere, criminal defense lawyers understand that sexually-related offenses, like sexual assault or possession of child pornography, carry some of the most severe penalties in the penal system. Additionally, in Texas, these offenses usually require mandatory sex offender registration which can do immeasurable damage to a person’s reputation.  That is why it is important to talk to a criminal defense lawyer right away if you are charged with any sexually related offense.

Houston sex crime lawyers know that far too often, people are falsely accused of sexual assault. This can happen for a number of reasons. Sadly, children in the middle of a divorce or a custody dispute have often falsely accused a parent of sexual assault, sometimes at the urging of one parent. An experienced sexual assault defense attorney understands that uncovering the motive behind the accusation is extremely important to building a good defense.

Although it may sound difficult to believe criminal defense lawyers know that in Texas, there have been cases of accusations of sexual assault made on the basis of false memories. This is a very real psychological phenomenon that has led to accusations of sexual assault against many innocent people. An experienced sexual assault attorney will be able to investigate whether accusations of sexual assault were made on the basis of false memories.

An experienced, compassionate criminal defense attorney will recognize that being charged with sexual assault, a military sex crime, or any sexually-related offense can be emotionally devastating and lead to severe penalties like sex-offender registration or imprisonment. But sexual assault cases can be successfully defended by experienced attorneys who understand the nature of sexual assault accusations.

What Justification Do The Police Need to Stop Your Vehicle?

Grant M. Scheiner

What Justification Do The Police Need to Stop Your Vehicle?

A police officer is required to have reasonable suspicion of unlawful conduct in order to stop a driver (this is a lower standard than the probable cause needed for an arrest). Grounds for reasonable suspicion can vary, although reasonable suspicion is usually made in reference to a criminal or traffic statute. Your Houston DWI lawyer can analyze your case and determine whether law enforcement had an adequate justification to stop your vehicle.

The first thing to determine in a DWI case when examining whether a traffic stop was legal or not is whether the officer directly observed a violation of a law. There are circumstances where a police officer does not have to personally see a violation of the law in order to pull over a car, but the majority of stops made on the suspicion of DWI are justified by the office in question with a claim of direct observation.

It is important to remember that not all traffic violations justify a traffic stop. Courts have held that it is not reasonable to pull over a motorist only to check license and registration. In Texas, it is also usually not legal to stop a motorist for things like minor swerving in a lane, without first showing that the motorist somehow presented a danger to someone.  Any stop made solely on these grounds might not be legal or valid, and as a result, cannot be the basis for a DWI investigation or arrest.

If your attorney can prove in court that the grounds for the stop were not legally sufficient, that could lead to evidence being suppressed. The suppression of evidence in a DWI case or other criminal matter will often lead to a dismissal of the charges against you.

Lo Que Usted Debe Saber De Un Cargo De Assault-Family Violence

Grant M. Scheiner

Lo Que Usted Debe Saber De Un Cargo De Assault-Family Violence

El delito de asalto contra un miembro de la familia (assault-family violence) puede incluir actos violentos contra un miembro de la familia, un habitante de la misma casa, o una persona con quien se mantiene una relación romántica.  Los castigos pueden ser severos. Pero a veces, los cargos pueden ser desestimados. Casos de asalto contra un miembro de la familia pueden ser defendidos en muchas maneras.

Lo primero que usted debe saber es que: Abandonar las acusaciones no necesariamente ayuda. Cuando el denunciante de un asalto visita a las oficinas del fiscal, el o ella puede ser sorprendido de aprender que el estado de Tejas puede seguir con el caso, aun cuando el denunciante desea abandonar los cargos. Pero a la misma vez, el denunciante – sea una esposa, novia o miembro de la familia del acusado – generalmente tiene el derecho de elegir no hablar con la oficina del fiscal, lo policía, o cualquier otra persona.

En defender su caso, es importante que el acusado junte muestras de sus heridas. Si usted tiene heridas que se pueden ver, tómeles fotos de todos ángulos y en distintas luces. Use una cámara digital y tomese una foto con un periodico para que usted tengo una muestra de la fecha en que se tomaron las fotos. Otra sugerencia es que usted se atienda cualquier herida lo mas antes posible.

Por ultimo, tenga quidado de no desobedecer la orden de entredicho que puede existir en su caso. En muchos cases, un juez ordena que una persona acusada de asalto contra un miembro de la familia no tenga contacto con el denunciante en el caso por 61 dias o mas. Esto puedo incluir contacto por el teléfono, mensajes de texto, correo electrónico, y hasta contacto atraves de otros. Puede ser difícil obedecer este tipo de orden porque en muchos cases, el denunciante puede ser su esposo o esposa. Pero usted tiene que obedecer law orden del juez, aun que usted tenga que salirse de su habitación hasta que la orden se venza.

Un buen abogado de DWI debe ser capaz de identificar las cuestiones jurídicas y fácticas de su caso. Al fin y al cabo, tal es la tarea del abogado, y no la suya. Si usted busca un abogado altamente estimado en casos de asalto contra un miembro de la familia o simplemente le gustaría aprender más acerca de cómo mantener un DWI fuera de sus antecedentes penales, por favor visite nuestro sitio www.scheinerlaw.com o www.HoustonAbogado.com.

The Problem With “No Refusal” Weekends

Grant M. Scheiner

The Problem With “No Refusal” Weekends

As this blog reported last week, over the Fourth of July Weekend, the Department of Public Safety in Texas made over 1400 arrests for DWI statewide (that number does not include arrests for DWI made by local agencies). Fourth of July was a “no refusal” weekend, so undoubtedly, a large percentage of those arrested had their blood drawn after refusing a breath test. As criminal defense attorneys know, “no refusal” weekends are simply weekends were additional law enforcement officials – including police officers, prosecutors and judges – are on standby to prepare and execute search warrants to draw blood from  anyone who (in most cases) refuses a breath test after being arrested on suspicion for DWI.

Criminal defense attorneys also know that “no refusal” is a misnomer. In other words, if you are stopped and investigated for DWI, you still have every right to refuse a chemical test, and field sobriety tests, regardless of the name of the campaign. Unfortunately, “no refusal” weekends have had the effect of misinforming law enforcement and the public as to the right of refusal. By law in Texas, law enforcement officers can only give limited warnings regarding the legal effect of refusing a chemical test like a breath test or blood test in a DWI case. Of course, this is no different on a “no refusal” weekend. However, we are beginning to see that some ill-informed law enforcement officers think that they are justified in bullying suspects into taking tests on “no refusal” weekends. This is illegal and could lead to the suppression of evidence obtained through these coerced blood draws.

Voluntary encounters, temporary detentions, and arrests

Grant M. Scheiner

Voluntary encounters, temporary detentions, and arrests

Contacts between citizens and law enforcement generally fall into one of three categories: 1) voluntary encounters, 2) temporary detentions; and, 3) arrests. Whether you have been approached on suspicion of DWI, DUI, a drug charge, or some other criminal offense, your criminal defense attorney will want to investigate the nature of your encounter with the police to see if the police acted appropriately.

As the name implies, a voluntary encounter is simply a voluntary meeting with the police where a suspect is free to leave. The police do not need any sort of proof to conduct a voluntary encounter. However, in many cases, a voluntary encounter will turn into something else by a police officer’s show of authority that could make a suspect believe he is not free to leave. For example, if the Houston police are investigating a drug transaction, and approach an individual on the street for a friendly chat about what he may have seen, that will usually constitute a voluntary encounter. However, when the suspect attempts to leave and the police officer orders him to leave, then it ceases to become voluntary.

When a voluntary encounter becomes non-consensual, it can turn into a temporary detention.  To justify a temporary detention, a police officer needs reasonable suspicion to believe that an offense has been committed and that the person detained was involved. Reasonable suspicion can exist when an officer sees evidence that someone – like a driver in a DUI, DWI or drug case – is committing an offense but needs to observe the suspect more closely to verify his suspicion. The law allows the officer an opportunity to briefly detain a suspect for this purpose as long as he has reasonable suspicion. Far to often, when investigating DWI, DUI, drug crimes or other criminal offenses, police act on no more than a hunch.

If an officer chooses to arrest someone, he needs to meet the standard of probable cause. Although the definition of probable cause varies, it is essentially constitutes enough evidence to convince a reasonable person that a crime has been committed. The information has to be trustworthy. Far too often, police in DWI, DUI, drug cases, sexual assault cases, or other kinds of criminal offenses act with less than probable cause, and that can cause evidence to be excluded from court. This can often lead to a dismissal of a case.

Search and seizure law can be very complicated and an experienced Houston criminal defense attorney can help determine if your rights were violated by law enforcement. Far too often, law enforcement officers exceed the scope of what they are Constitutionally permitted to do, and an experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer can use that to your advantage in a DUI, DWI, drug case, or any criminal offense. If you are arrested for DUI, DWI, a drug offense, a sexual offense or any criminal offense, the lawyers of the Houston, Texas office of Scheiner Law Group are highly experienced with search and seizure law and can help protect your rights.

Harris County Pre-Trial Intervention Program Featured in Houston Chronicle

Grant M. Scheiner

Harris County Pre-Trial Intervention Program Featured in Houston Chronicle

If you are arrested for DWI, or DUI in Houston, Harris County, Texas, you may be eligible for a new program run by the Harris County District Attorney’s Office known as PTI or Pre-Trial Intervention. The program is unique in Texas and offers first-time offenders a dismissal of their case in exchange for undergoing a probation-like period. This week, the Houston Chronicle reported that approximately 1,800 defendants have gone into the program since it began almost two years ago. Of those 1,800 Houston DWI or DUI defendants, about 1,400 have successfully completed the program, while about 400 have failed.

While the official goal of Pre-Trial Intervention is rehabilitation, it operates under the principle of the carrot and the stick. Specifically, if a Houston DUI or DWI defendant goes into the program after consulting with an attorney, he or she will plead guilty to the charge. But rather than sentencing the defendant, the judge will then allow the defendant to participate in the PTI program. If the defendant successfully completes the program which includes, at a minimum, fines, an ignition interlock, community service, and alcohol education classes the case will be dismissed and can be expunged two years after the dismissal. If, however, a DUI or DWI defendant does not complete the program or is kicked out for using alcohol (the program does have a zero-tolerance policy) a defendant will often be sent to jail, for as much as thirty days.

A top Houston DWI or DUI lawyer will see Pre-Trial Intervention as a good option in some cases, but it is certainly not for everyone. Even where a defendant is eligible for PTI, going to trial or pushing for a dismissal is often a better option.

Dallas Mavericks Guard Arrested for Public Intoxication

Grant M. Scheiner

Dallas Mavericks Guard Arrested for Public Intoxication

Looks like celebrations may have gotten out of hand for at least one member of the Dallas Mavericks. Deshawn Stevenson, shooting guard for the newly crowned NBA Champs, was arrested Tuesday night – two days after the Mavericks upset the Miami Heat in Game 6 of the NBA finals. The ESPN story is available  and the Dallas Morning News story is available

In Texas, public intoxication is a Class “C” misdemeanor, which is punishable by a $500 fine. Any top Texas criminal defense attorney will know how to best defend a charge of public intoxication. Most Texas attorneys and DUI lawyers know that proving public intoxication is difficult because more often than not, police officers do not administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests to people arrested for that offense.

Experienced Drunk Driving Attorney in Houston, Texas

If you are arrested for DUI, DWI, or any alcohol or drug-related offense in Houston, TX, or anywhere in Texas, the attorneys at Scheiner Law Group are an excellent choice and can help you get the best result in your case. Please call (713) 783-8998

Scheiner Law specializes in a variety of cases including DWI/DUI, drug related offenses, sex offensessexual assault, child sexual abuse, indecency with a child, child pornography, federal criminal crimes, and more.

Another Good Result for Our Clients – Criminal Trespass Dismissed!

Grant M. Scheiner

Another Good Result for Our Clients – Criminal Trespass Dismissed!

This morning, we were pleased at the dismissal of another one of our cases. Our client – I’ll call him John – was charged with criminal trespass after being involved in an altercation with bouncers at a night club. From the start, the case had its problems: John was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, and was tackled and Tased by security guards before being forcefully escorted from the property. It was unlikely that any jury would convict him of trespass under the facts of the case.

However, what may have made the difference in this case was our criminal defense attorneys’ investigation of the case. Soon after being hired, the criminal defense lawyers started their own investigation, which included going to the nightclub and speaking with the owner. The owner agreed that the case wasn’t a case at all, and allowed us to take a videotaped statement where he said that he did not want to press charges and that he did not feel that John had any intent to break the law. This video was shown to prosecutors minutes before the case was dismissed.

In many cases, speaking with witnesses soon after an event is essential to building a successful defense. Often, a witness is eager to tell his or her side of the story. This can often lead to a good result, as in John’s case. The best criminal defense attorneys – in Houston and everywhere – know that good results and thorough investigations go hand and had. At Scheiner Law Group, we do not rely on the police’s investigation to defend a criminal case – we conduct our own.

If you or a loved one is charged with any criminal offense in Houston or anywhere in Texas, the lawyers at Scheiner Law Group are a top choice.