Romeo and Juliet Law in Texas

Navigating sex crime laws in Texas can be daunting, especially for young individuals in consensual relationships that fall within a legal gray area. The Romeo and Juliet Law in Texas aim to clarify these complexities by providing a nuanced approach to cases involving consensual sexual activity between minors and adults who are close in age. These laws protect young people from severe penalties and lifelong consequences.

In this definitive guide to Texas’ Romeo and Juliet Law, experienced Houston sex crime lawyers Scheiner Law Group outlines everything you need to know about this law and how it relates to sex crimes in Houston, Texas.

What is the Age of Consent in Texas?

While many states in America set the age of consent at 18, Texas age of consent laws allow anyone aged 17 or older to give their permission for sexual activity to anyone at or over the same age. If someone engages in sexual activity with an individual under the age of consent, even if it was consensual, they can be prosecuted for statutory rape.

Understanding Statutory Rape

Statutory rape occurs when a legal adult engages in any form of sexual activity with someone below the age of consent. This law applies even if the minor consents to the sexual activity. For instance, if a 23-year-old and a 16-year-old are in a relationship and engage in intercourse, the 23-year-old would be guilty of statutory rape, regardless of the 16-year-old’s consent. The purpose of such laws is to prevent adults from taking advantage of minors who may not fully understand the implications of sexual activity.

Statutory rape laws are based on the age of consent. If the two waited until the 16-year-old turned 17, they would be within their legal rights to engage in consensual sex.

These laws are intended to protect minors from exploitation by adults. However, they can also complicate matters for teenagers in consensual relationships where one party is slightly older. For example, what happens when one person in a teenage relationship turns 18 and becomes a legal adult?

How Does The Romeo and Juliet Law in Texas Work?

Texas acknowledges that consensual sexual relationships between teenagers and young adults who are close in age should be treated differently from those involving predatory adults and minors. The state’s Romeo and Juliet law provides specific legal protections for such relationships, distinguishing them from more serious offenses. This nuanced approach helps ensure that young people do not face the severe penalties associated with sex crimes due to consensual activities with their peers.

How Texas Law Views Sexual Relationships Between Minors and Teens

Before the enactment of the Romeo and Juliet law as defined in Texas Penal Code 22.011, any sexual relationship between a minor and an adult, even if consensual, could result in severe penalties, including fines, jail time, and mandatory registration as a sex offender. Typically, the older individual in the relationship would be charged with statutory rape. However, Texas now recognizes that these consensual relationships between peers close in age do not warrant such harsh consequences.

What is Texas’ Romeo and Juliet Law?

Under Texas Section 42.017, the Romeo and Juliet law provides an affirmative defense to statutory rape charges if certain conditions are met:

  1. Age Difference: The age gap between individuals must be no more than three years.
  2. Age of Minor: The minor must be at least 14 years old.
  3. Consensual Activity: The sexual activity must be consensual.
  4. Offender Status: The older individual must not be required to register for life as a sex offender or have a reportable conviction under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure.
  5. Marital Status: The minor must not be a person with whom the older individual is prohibited from marrying or living under the appearance of being married.

These provisions aim to distinguish consensual teenage relationships from predatory behavior, acknowledging the realities of adolescent romance while protecting young individuals from being unjustly punished. For more details on this legal provision, you can refer to Texas Section 42.017.

Why is it Called the “Romeo and Juliet” Law?

The term “Romeo and Juliet” law is inspired by Shakespeare’s famous play, where two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, faced insurmountable obstacles due to their families’ feud. Similarly, these laws aim to protect young couples from the harsh penalties of statutory rape laws when their relationships are consensual and their age difference is minimal. The goal is to prevent “young lovers” from facing criminal charges that could ruin their lives.

The Age Gap Allowed Under Texas’ Romeo and Juliet Law

The law allows for consensual sexual relationships between individuals who are within three years of each other’s age, provided they meet the other criteria outlined above. This means that an 18-year-old can legally engage in consensual sexual activity with a 15-year-old under this law. However, if the age difference exceeds three years, or if any of the other conditions are not met, the older individual could face charges of statutory rape.

Examples of Legal and Illegal Relationships Under the Romeo and Juliet Law

  • Legal: An 18-year-old and a 15-year-old engaging in consensual sexual activity.
  • Illegal: A 20-year-old and a 16-year-old engaging in sexual activity, as the age difference exceeds three years.

What Are Some Examples of Sex Crimes Which Could Invoke Texas’ Romeo and Juliet Law?

Several sex crimes in Texas may invoke the Romeo and Juliet Law if the specific conditions are met. These include:

  • Statutory Rape: This charge is common under the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas. It applies when an adult engages in consensual sexual activity with a minor below the age of consent but within the permissible age difference. This law acknowledges that young couples close in age should not face the same harsh penalties as adults preying on minors.
  • Indecency with a Child: This charge involves engaging in sexual touching or contact with a minor under 17. The Romeo and Juliet Law can provide a defense if the age difference between the adult and minor is within the allowable range, recognizing the consensual nature of the relationship.
  • Sexual Assault: This charge can be invoked if the minor is at least 14 and the age difference between the parties is within three years. The Romeo and Juliet Law offers a defense to mitigate the severe consequences that could otherwise arise from such charges.

The Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas aim to balance the protection of minors from exploitation with the recognition that young individuals in consensual relationships should not face unduly harsh penalties. If you or someone you know is facing charges like these, consulting with a Houston sex crime defense lawyer is crucial to understanding your rights and options. At Scheiner Law Group, our experienced attorneys are dedicated to providing robust defense strategies and protecting your future.

What is an “Affirmative Defense” in a Sex Crime Case in Houston, Texas?

In legal terms, an affirmative defense is a strategy that acknowledges the facts of the case but provides additional information to mitigate or justify the defendant’s actions. Unlike a standard defense that might prevent an arrest or prosecution, an affirmative defense must be actively raised and proven in court.

The Romeo and Juliet Law in Texas serve as an affirmative defense in sex crime cases. Although Texas law sets the age of consent at 17, the Romeo and Juliet statute recognizes that prosecuting minors or young adults for consensual sexual activity with someone close to their age often doesn’t make sense. This statute applies when the age difference between the parties is within a specific range, typically not more than three years.

For instance, if a 16-year-old and a 19-year-old engage in consensual sexual activity, the older individual can invoke the Romeo and Juliet Law as an affirmative defense. This defense acknowledges the occurrence of the sexual activity but argues that it should not result in severe criminal penalties due to the closeness in age and consensual nature of the relationship. However, despite the availability of this defense, individuals can still be arrested and prosecuted, necessitating the defense to be raised in court actively.

By properly raising this affirmative defense, the charges may be reduced or dismissed altogether, provided the court or jury is convinced that the conditions of the Romeo and Juliet Law apply. This highlights the importance of consulting with an experienced Houston sex crime defense lawyer who can effectively navigate these complexities and advocate for your rights.

What Are The Laws if You Are Dating Someone Less Then 18 Years Old in Texas?

Navigating relationships with individuals under 18 in Texas requires a thorough understanding of the legal landscape. The age of consent in Texas is 17, meaning individuals 17 and older can legally engage in sexual activity. However, if one partner is under 17, engaging in sexual activity can lead to serious legal consequences. The Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas provide exceptions for consensual relationships between minors and young adults close in age, but these exceptions come with specific conditions.

Understanding Your Rights

Rights of the Minor

Minors in Texas have the right to make certain decisions about their relationships, but these rights come with legal boundaries. A minor who is at least 17 can legally consent to sexual activity with a partner no more than three years older. This provision aims to protect young individuals in consensual relationships while preventing exploitation. However, minors should be aware that engaging in sexual activity before turning 17 can lead to severe legal repercussions for their older partners.

Rights of the Minor’s Parents

Parents or legal guardians play a pivotal role in a minor’s life and have the right to be involved in decisions affecting their child’s well-being, including relationships. When a minor is 17 and engages in a consensual relationship with someone within the age limitations set by the Romeo and Juliet Laws, parents may have limited authority to intervene. Nonetheless, parents can still take legal action if they believe their child is being exploited or harmed.

Rights of the Adult Partner

Adults in relationships with minors must exercise extreme caution and be fully aware of the legal implications. While the Romeo and Juliet Laws offer leniency for relationships involving minors who are at least 17, any sexual activity with a minor under 17 is illegal, regardless of consent. Violating these laws can result in severe penalties, including charges of statutory rape, lengthy prison sentences, and mandatory registration as a sex offender.

Navigating Legal Complexities

Understanding the intricacies of the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas is essential for anyone involved in a relationship with a minor. These laws provide important protections but also come with stringent requirements that must be met to avoid legal consequences. Minors, their parents, and adult partners must be fully informed of their rights and responsibilities.

If you find yourself facing legal challenges related to these laws, consulting with an experienced Houston sex crime defense lawyer is vital. At Scheiner Law Group, our knowledgeable attorneys are committed to helping clients navigate the complexities of the legal system and protecting their rights.

What Happens If I’m Convicted For a Sex Crime Involving a Minor in Houston, Texas?

In Texas, sex crimes involving minors are met with harsh penalties, reflecting the seriousness of these offenses. Convictions can result in significant prison time, hefty fines, and mandatory registration as a sex offender. Here’s a breakdown of the potential consequences:


The length of imprisonment depends on the severity of the crime. The Texas Penal Code categorizes offenses into various felony levels, each carrying specific prison terms:

  • State Jail Felony: 180 days to 2 years in a state jail
  • Third-Degree Felony: 2 to 10 years in prison
  • Second-Degree Felony: 2 to 20 years in prison
  • First-Degree Felony: 5 to 99 years or life in prison

Sexual offenses involving minors, such as indecency with a child, often result in severe sentences, especially if aggravating factors are present.


In addition to imprisonment, convicted individuals may face substantial fines:

  • Class A Misdemeanor: Up to $4,000
  • Class B Misdemeanor: Up to $2,000
  • Class C Misdemeanor: Up to $500

Felony convictions can also result in fines, adding a financial burden to the already severe penalties.

Sex Offender Registration

One of the most significant long-term consequences of a sex crime conviction is mandatory registration as a sex offender. This requirement can severely impact various aspects of life, including:

  • Employment: Many employers are unwilling to hire individuals listed on the sex offender registry.
  • Housing: Finding housing can be challenging, as many landlords conduct background checks.
  • Social Relationships: The stigma associated with being a registered sex offender can strain personal relationships and social interactions.

Additional Consequences

Beyond the legal penalties, a conviction for a sex crime involving a minor in Texas can have far-reaching effects:

  • Reputation Damage: The social stigma can be devastating, leading to isolation and emotional distress.
  • Travel Restrictions: Registered sex offenders may face travel limitations, both domestically and internationally.
  • Professional Licenses: Convictions can result in the loss of professional licenses, affecting careers in various fields.

Romeo and Juliet Laws and Sex Offender Registry Requirements in Texas

One of the most severe consequences of a sex crime conviction is the mandatory requirement to register as a sex offender. However, the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas provide a crucial exception for young offenders. This exception aims to prevent individuals engaged in consensual relationships from facing the lifelong stigma associated with sex offender registration.

The Romeo and Juliet Provision

Under Section 42.017 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, the Romeo and Juliet provision allows certain young offenders to avoid the harsh penalties of sex offender registration. This provision is specifically designed to protect individuals who are close in age and engaged in consensual sexual activities.

For a 19-year-old or younger offender convicted of age-based sex offenses, the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas offer a pathway to exemption from sex offender registration, provided specific conditions are met. The requirements for this exemption are detailed in Article 62.301 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.

Conditions for Exemption

To qualify for the exemption from sex offender registration under the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas, the following conditions must be met:

  • The offender must be no more than four years older than the minor.
  • The minor must be at least 14 years old.
  • The sexual activity must have been consensual.
  • The offense must not involve force, threat, or duress.

Meeting these criteria allows the young offender to petition the court for an exemption from the sex offender registry. This exemption can significantly alter the future of those involved, allowing them to avoid the severe personal and professional repercussions associated with being listed as a sex offender.

Importance of Legal Representation

Navigating the complexities of the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas requires the expertise of a qualified Houston sex crime defense lawyer. At Scheiner Law Group, our experienced attorneys are well-versed in these laws and can provide the necessary guidance to ensure that eligible individuals can benefit from the exemptions provided.

Understanding and utilizing the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas can make a significant difference in the outcome of a case. By seeking the right legal support, young offenders can potentially avoid the lifelong implications of sex offender registration.

What If The Sex Offense Charges Against Me Are Not True?

False accusations of sexual assault can be overwhelming, tarnishing your reputation and jeopardizing your future. It’s crucial to take immediate action if you are falsely accused of a sex crime. Here are the essential steps to protect yourself:

Understanding False Accusations

False accusations of a sex crime such as sex with a minor can stem from various motives, including mistaken identity, regret after consensual activities, or manipulative tactics during custody battles. Recognizing these potential motives is essential in building a strong defense against the allegations.

Steps to Take After Being Falsely Accused

  1. Contact a Lawyer Immediately Your first step should be to contact a qualified Houston sex crime defense lawyer. Exercise your right to remain silent and avoid discussing the case with anyone other than your attorney. Your lawyer will guide you through the legal process and advise you on the best course of action.
  2. Preserve Evidence Gather any evidence that can support your innocence. This may include text messages, emails, photos, videos, or witness statements. Share this evidence only with your attorney to ensure it is used effectively in your defense.
  3. Document Your Account Write down your version of the events as soon as possible, including every detail you can remember. This record can be crucial in building your defense and ensuring you don’t forget important information as time passes.
  4. Avoid Discussing the Case Do not discuss the case with friends, family, or on social media. Any statements you make can be used against you in court. It’s also crucial to avoid contacting the accuser, as this can be misconstrued and used to strengthen the case against you.

Ways Sexual Assault Cases Can Be Dismissed

There are several ways in which false sexual assault claims can be challenged and potentially dismissed:

  • Challenging the Accusations: If the accuser’s allegations are proven false, they may face felony charges for making false claims.
  • Pretrial Diversion Programs: For first-time or non-violent offenders, participating in these programs can lead to charges being dismissed if the terms are adhered to.

How a Houston Sex Crime Defense Lawyer Can Help

An experienced Houston sex crime defense lawyer plays a vital role in defending against false accusations. They can:

  • Present a strong alibi
  • Introduce evidence that discredits the accuser’s memory, especially if influenced by drugs or alcohol
  • Provide communications between you and the accuser to show inconsistencies
  • Highlight any possible motives for the false accusations
  • Secure and present medical records that support your innocence

If you are facing false accusations, the Scheiner Law Group is here to protect your rights and help you navigate the legal landscape. Contact us to speak with a knowledgeable Houston sex offender attorney who can assist you in building a robust defense against these serious allegations.

When Do I Need an Attorney For Sex Charges in Houston, Texas?

If you or someone you know is accused of having sexual relations with a minor, it is essential to understand your rights and the legal landscape. Even if the circumstances align with the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas, you may still need a Houston sex crime defense lawyer to defend your case. Accusations involving minors are serious and can have severe consequences for your rights, future, and freedom. Here’s what you need to know:

When Do I Need an Attorney?

If you are accused of committing a sexual act with a minor, you must treat the situation with extreme seriousness. An experienced Houston sex offender attorney can help protect your rights and provide a strong defense. Even if you believe the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas should apply to your case, having legal representation ensures that your case is handled properly and that your defense is robust.

When Do I Not Need an Attorney?

While there are situations where the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas may protect your actions, it is still advisable to consult with an attorney. If both parties are within three years of age, over 14 years old, neither is a registered sex offender, and the relationship was consensual, these laws might offer protection. However, navigating these legal nuances without professional help is risky. A Houston sex crime defense lawyer can provide clarity and ensure your rights are safeguarded.

Protecting Your Rights

Understanding the intricacies of the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas is crucial. Legal representation helps ensure that your actions are defended correctly and that you avoid potential legal consequences. If you are facing accusations, contact the Scheiner Law Group to speak with a knowledgeable Houston sex offender attorney. We are here to help you navigate this challenging situation and protect your future.

Experienced Sex Crime Defense Attorneys in Houston, Texas

At Scheiner Law Group, we understand the devastating impact that false allegations of sex crimes involving minors can have on an individual’s life. Our team of experienced Houston sex crime defense lawyers is dedicated to providing the highest level of legal representation to those facing such serious accusations. We are committed to protecting your rights, reputation, and future through meticulous preparation, strategic defense, and unwavering support.

False accusations can tarnish your reputation and disrupt your life. At Scheiner Law Group, we know that these charges require a comprehensive and aggressive defense. Our Houston sex offender attorneys are skilled in scrutinizing the details of your case, identifying inconsistencies in the accusations, and gathering evidence to support your innocence. We work tirelessly to ensure that the truth prevails and justice is served.

With a deep understanding of the Romeo and Juliet Laws in Texas and other relevant legal provisions, our attorneys are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of sex crime allegations involving minors. We believe in a client-centered approach, offering personalized attention and tailored strategies to meet your unique needs. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind and the confidence that your case is in capable hands.

At Scheiner Law Group, our commitment to excellence extends beyond the courtroom. We are passionate about advocating for our clients’ rights and ensuring that they receive fair treatment under the law. If you are facing false allegations of sex crimes involving minors, trust in our expertise and dedication to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Contact Scheiner Law Group today to speak with a knowledgeable Houston sex crime defense lawyer. Let us stand by your side, fight for your rights, and work towards restoring your life.